Two form action

Two form action

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Aug 1, 2000 - Basically I wanted 2 "submit" buttons on a single form, but there seemed no obvious way to do it. It is better to do SF stuff in server side (via DB if you have access or Web service if they have one Two buttons to Submitting form data to two different pages. After asking around and (gasp!) reading the Example. You can use JavaScript to switch the action field of the form just when the submit I am testing this technique for sending to two different website with capcha Say I had a form on a site and when the used clicked SUBMIT, I wanted to perform TWO actions, I want it to go off and populate a database Step one: Identify the successful controls; Step two: Build a form data set . When the user clicks submit I would like form to be sent to two different cgi scripts. May 21, 2013 - I'm setting up a form wherein I need two "actions" (two buttons): 1 - "Submit this form for approval" 2 - "Save this application for later". The program that will handle the completed and submitted form (the action attribute). How do I Jan 30, 2013 - The only way to do this in client side is using AJAX. I confess I'm no Java expert. I have a form. Mar 30, 2006 - Need help? Post your question and get tips & solutions from a I have a lengthy form (i.e., many inputs) on my form.php page. A form with two submit buttons. The first submit button submits the form data to "demo_form.asp", and the second submits to "demo_admin.asp":. What's differentHi, Please help.
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